34 Lyle Street
Hours: 9am - 5pm Monday to Friday
Contact numbers
Map 213 O4 VicRoads Country Directory
- Photo Point
- Trailer pack registration form submission
- Machinery pack registration submission
- Primary producer registration form submission
- Re-registration - heavy vehicles
- Licence renewals (car, motorcycle and marine)
- Firearms/security licence (first issue & renewal)
- Issue licence/learner permit receipt (car & marine)
- Replacement licence/permit
- Work diaries for heavy vehicles
- Drive test (booked via 13 11 71)
- Marine licence test including PWC
- Registration refund form submission
- Clearing of defect notice - only with RWC
- Publication sales
- Number plate return and receipt
- Re-registration - light vehicles
- Duplicate trailer number plates orders
- Change of number plates for trailers
- Issuing a boat licence with approved provider certificates