Construction Trucks and Community Safety

We’ve developed new materials to help protect vulnerable road users when they’re travelling near worksites and around construction trucks. 

In partnership with state government departments, non-government organisations and industry, the Construction Truck and Community Safety Project provides new tools and ways of working to improve safety for pedestrians, bicycle riders and motorcyclists. 

This page has been created to share the resources we’ve developed over the past three years to help state and local government, developers and utilities better manage their construction projects and the construction industry improve delivery, with more consideration for vulnerable road users.

Watch the video below to learn about the measures Metro Tunnel has implemented to protect pedestrians, bicycle riders and motorcyclists.


To help improve safety, we’ve developed the following truck safety feature recommendations for construction trucks used at construction sites:

  • Trucks should have side under-run protection
  • The truck’s front, rear and side blind-spots should be eliminated or minimised through the use of visual aids, sensors and audible or visual alerts
  • Trucks should be fitted with audible indicators to alert other road users when they’re turning left
  • Trucks should display prominent signage warning people of the dangers of travelling too close to trucks 
  • Increase conspicuity with the use of fluorescent and retroflective tape outlining the body of the truck and trailer, and increasing the visibility of the drawbar.
  • Trucks should protect the air quality of vulnerable road users by achieving a minimum of Euro 4, but preferably Euro 5 or above.

Construction truck subcontractors can support truck driver awareness and knowledge by offering training and continuous professional development around on-road hazards and driving safely near vulnerable road users. 

This training should include a mix of theoretical, practical and on-the-job training.


Toolbox talk - Blind spots

Toolbox talk - Bicycle riders

Toolbox talk: Pedestrians

For other toolbox talks check out the National Road Safety Partnership Program Toolbox Talk web page

Metro Rail Projects overview

We recommend that the HIRA tool is used to workshop the selection of appropriate truck routes in order to minimise their interaction with vulnerable road users. 

  • Instructional video

Read the video transcript


Construction Trucks and Community Safety Project Newsletter - May 2024

March 2024 Construction Trucks and Community Safety public education campaign

November 2023 Swapping Seats event

Construction Trucks and Community Safety Project Newsletter - October 2023

Download a printable version of the October 2023 Newsletter [PDF 728 Kb]

image says - Stay out of blind spots for trucks and bikes (

Stay out of blind spots tile

Truck blind spots and bicycle animation

Image of a truck and traffic lights with the words Stay out of blind spots

Stop behind truck tile

Truck turning? cyclist stay back

Truck turning stay back tile

image of Truck + dog message says Beware of the dog (smaller version)

Truck and dog tile

Cycling safety campaign 

Swapping Seats case study [PDF 601 Kb] 

You may consider including the following clauses in your construction contracts to protect vulnerable road users when they’re travelling near worksites and around construction trucks.

Truck Safety Features

  • Model contract clause

Safe Vehicles- Specialist VRU Equipment

Ensure heavy vehicles used in the carrying out of contract activities:

  1. have side under-run protection;
  2. have front, rear and side blind-spots eliminated or minimised through the use of direct and indirect vision aids, sensors and audible or visual driver alerts;
  3. have audible means of warning other road users of a left-turn manoeuvre; and
  4. have prominent signage on the vehicle warning cyclists and other road users of the dangers of manoeuvring past the inside of the vehicle or getting too close to the vehicle.
  5. use fluorescent and retroflective tape to outline the body of the truck and trailer, and increase the visibility of the drawbar.
  6. use trucks that meet a minimum of Euro 4, but preferably Euro 5 or above standard.


Driving Training

  • Model contract clause

Safe People - Training

Heavy vehicle drivers working on the Major Construction undertake training and continuous professional development covering the safety of VRU and on-road hazard awareness. The training is to include a mix of theoretical, practical and on the job training.



    Traffic Management Planning and vulnerable road users guideline

    • Model contract clause

    Safe Traffic Management - Improve Standards to Accommodate Vulnerable Road Users

    Ensure the highest standard of traffic management planning that follows all standards required, to provide for safe and secure movement of vulnerable road users around every work site.


    Route Selection

    • Model contract clause

    Route Selection

    Undertake route selection workshops using the Human Impact Route Assessment (HIRA) tool, in order to investigate the impact of different routes on vulnerable road users (VRU) and examine community impacts. Avoid routes that go through areas of high VRU use where possible or implement suitable protection mechanisms.





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