
Learn how we manage complaints.

VicRoads is committed to resolving complaints and improving our service to customers.

Our aim is to provide a seamless customer service experience across all transactions and ensure any complaint reported to us is handled quickly and fairly.

VicRoads handles complaints about transactions related to registration and licensing. Complaints about traffic and roads should be directed to the Department of Transport and Planning. Visit the Transport Victoria (External link) website to learn more.

How do I make a complaint?

If you're dissatisfied with an experience you've had with us, or a policy, service or product offered by VicRoads, you can complain using one of the methods below:

  • fill out the online feedback form providing as much detail as possible
  • call VicRoads contact centre on 13 11 71
  • call Regional Roads Victoria contact centre on 133 RRV (133 778)
  • visit a VicRoads Customer Service Centre
  • write to VicRoads at:

VicRoads Customer Resolution Team
GPO Box 1644
Melbourne  Vic  3001.

Complaint process

Step 1: Lodge your complaint. Make sure you clearly identify your issue and the outcome you want.

Step 2: If you lodge your complaint at a Customer Service Centre or the VicRoads Contact Centre, we'll try to resolve your complaint on the spot.

Step 3: If you're not satisfied with our resolution or response, you can ask for your complaint to be escalated to the VicRoads Customer Resolution Team.

Step 4: If you're not satisfied with the outcome from the VicRoads Customer Resolution Team, you can ask for your complaint to be escalated to the Customer Relationship Management Team at the Department of Transport and Planning.

Step 5: If you have escalated the complaint to the Department of Transport and Planning and are still not satisfied with the response, you can contact an external agency, such as the Victorian Ombudsman.

Victorian Ombudsman

If after completing our complaints handling process you are not satisfied with the outcome or your complaint remains unresolved, you can lodge a complaint with the Victorian Ombudsman (External link).

Note that if VicRoads has not had the opportunity to resolve your complaint, the Victorian Ombudsman may request that you submit your complaint to us first.

You can complain to the Victorian Ombudsman using their online form (External link) or call them on 9613 6222.

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