Register an interstate vehicle

If you live in Victoria and have a vehicle registered in another state, you need to change the vehicle's registration to a Victorian one.

Before you change the vehicle's registration, check that it's not reported stolen or recorded as written-off and no money owing on the vehicle by visiting the Personal Property Security Register (PPSR) (External link) or by calling 1300 007 777.

Follow the steps below to register your interstate vehicle in Victoria.

You’ll need an original Certificate of Roadworthiness (RWC) issued within 30 days of your registration appointment. Some vehicles and transfer types don’t need a roadworthy - visit vehicle exemptions for more information.

You won't need an RWC if the vehicle is currently registered in your name interstate, and is going into the same name in Victoria, AND the interstate vehicle registration is still current (or expired by less than three months). However, if the vehicle is registered in ACT or Tasmania and the registration has expired, an RWC will be required to register the vehicle in Victoria.

The RWC must be issued by a licensed vehicle tester in Victoria to be accepted by VicRoads.

You can get an RWC from a Roadworthy tester location.

To register your vehicle in Victoria, you’ll need to book a registration appointment with VicRoads. 

Before you make an appointment, ensure you know:

  • the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) and engine number of your vehicle
  • the make, model and registration number of your vehicle
  • your current Victorian licence, learner permit or customer number (if you don’t have a Victorian licence or customer number, you’ll need to satisfy the evidence of identity requirements at your appointment).

When you book an appointment, you’ll need to pay an appointment fee. Please note concessions do not apply.

Book an appointment by:

*A card payment fee (External link) applies
** All VicRoads Customer Service Centre's accept cash except for hub@Exhibition and hub@Sunshine

Plan in advance, there is limited appointment availability and you may not be able to change your appointment at short notice.

You’ll need to book your vehicle for inspection at the time of your appointment if:

  • the registration is cancelled or expired by more than three months
  • your vehicle details don’t match the information in the national vehicles database (NEVDIS)
  • your vehicle is on the Victorian or an interstate Written Off Vehicles Register
  • the vehicle doesn’t have number plates attached.

When you attend your registration appointment, ensure you bring all of the following:

  • the vehicle (if it needs to be inspected)
  • your interstate National Heavy Vehicle registration plates.  For heavy vehicles (GVM > 4500kg) with current interstate registration and fitted with National Heavy Vehicle plates you can keep these plates for your Victorian registration.
  • a completed vehicle registration form [PDF 209 Kb] 
  • your evidence of identity
  • proof of your vehicle being registered interstate for 12 months (if advised by us)
  • a current and original Certificate of Roadworthiness if required
  • an original and signed Authority to act as an agent form (if someone registers the vehicle on your behalf)
  • tools and screws to put your number plates on before you leave VicRoads
  • evidence of your Victorian garage address, by providing of one of the following:
    • A Victorian home or business address
    • an RMB (road side mailbox) or RSD (road side delivery) if the home or business can’t be identified by a street or road name, or
    • if you have an interstate or overseas home or business address you’ll need to bring separate evidence of a Victorian garage address such as a rates or utility bill
  • registration fee payment.

If your vehicle has been modified or written off you’ll need additional documents to register your vehicle. See vehicle modifications & defects for information.

Bring the items listed in step three as well as payment for registration (cash, VISA or Mastercard*, EFTPOS, cheque or cash**).

You don’t have to pay motor vehicle duty if you’ve got evidence that your vehicle’s already been registered in your name in Australia.

If you need to reschedule your appointment, call VicRoads on 13 11 71 to reschedule. There is limited appointment availability, so we may be unable to accommodate you at your first preferred alternate time.

If you’re running late on the day, VicRoads Customer Service Centres will try their best to accommodate late arrivals but there is no guarantee. If you’re running late, you may be required to transfer your appointment to another time and pay another fee.

* A card payment fee applies.
** All VicRoads Customer Service Centre's accept cash except for:

If your vehicle has a compliance plate dated January 2011 or after, you’ll need Electronic Stability Control (ESC) for:

  • all passenger cars
  • off-road passenger vehicles, and
  • forward-control passenger vehicles e.g. passenger vans.

Having ESC helps drivers control their car when it skids, swerves or when road conditions are bad. If your vehicle needs ESC but doesn’t have it and it’s not exempt, you won’t be able to register it in Victoria.

If your vehicle has been registered interstate for more than 12 months, you’ll be exempt from having ESC fitted. VicRoads will check the national vehicle register to find out. If we can’t confirm this, we’ll ask you to bring additional documents as proof that your vehicle’s been registered interstate for more than 12 months.

Check your vehicle manufacturer information if you can’t find the compliance or identification plate.

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