Change your address

When you move you need to let VicRoads know within 14 days.

Update your address

You can update your address information by logging into your myVicRoads account.

If you don't have an account create a myVicRoads account here.

What address information does VicRoads need?

VicRoads holds the following information:

  • residential address: the address where you live. This appears on your licence or permit card. If it changes we send you a a sticker with your new address to affix on your card
  • postal address: the address your mail is sent to. It can be the same address as your residential address or a different address.
  • garage address: the address where your vehicle is kept. You can have a different garage address for each vehicle registered in your name.

You can update all of these addresses in myVicRoads. You must do this within 14 days of your address changing.

If you don't update your address details you could miss mail from VicRoads which may cause you to be driving unlicensed or in an unregistered vehicle.

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