When you buy (or receive as a gift) a Victorian registered vessel, you must notify VicRoads of the transfer within 14 days of taking possession.
If you’re buying a vessel from a dealer, the dealer is responsible for sending all paperwork to VicRoads.
The steps below will assist you when buying a registered vessel:
Step 1: Download a copy of the transfer form
The vessel transfer form [PDF 190 Kb] has been created as a guide to assist you through your vessel purchase.
We recommend that you refer to the pre-transfer checklist on the form and complete all the steps to ensure your transfer goes smoothly.
Step 2: Ensure you’ve got a Victorian marine licence or VicRoads customer number
A VicRoads customer number is a unique number issued by VicRoads to individuals or companies. This is your Victorian driver licence, marine licence or learner permit number.
An individual without a licence, but with a vehicle registered in their name, can find their customer number on their registration renewal notice.
If the vessel is registered in a company name, the company’s VicRoads customer number is on any registration renewal notice issued for vehicles or vessels registered in the company’s name.
If you or your company are going to keep the vessel registered in Victoria and you don’t have a VicRoads customer number, you will need to visit a VicRoads Customer Service Centre with evidence of identity documents to get a new customer number.
Step 3: Get proof of purchase from the seller
You’ll need to check that the person selling the vessel is the registered operator and has the right to transfer the vessel. Ask for photo identification and the vessel’s certificate of registration/renewal or confirm that the vessel is recorded in the seller’s myVicRoads account.
Write a receipt with the seller and keep this as proof of purchase and ownership. Make sure your receipt includes:
- date and time of sale
- your name and address
- the seller’s name, address and signature
- the vessel’s details, including HIN (if available), engine numbers, make and model.
Step 4: Complete the transfer form
Complete and sign the vessel transfer form [PDF 190 Kb] with the seller:
- Check that the seller has completed the ‘seller details’ section correctly
- Complete the ‘buyer details’ section, including your VicRoads licence/customer number
- Ensure both you and the seller sign the completed transfer form
- Take a photo or photocopy of the form once completed to make sure you have proof of transfer.
Make sure that all the details on the transfer form are complete and correct. Otherwise the transfer may not be processed when you lodge it.
Step 5: Complete the steps to buy the vessel trailer (if applicable)
Refer to buy and transfer a registered vehicle for instructions to buy a vessel trailer.
Step 6: Lodge the transfer
Within 14 days of transfer, submit the completed paperwork and fee payment (including for your vessel trailer, if applicable) by: