Cancel your boat or vessel registration
Cancel your boat or vessel registration online with myVicRoads.
You can cancel your Victorian boat or vessel registration at any time. You don’t need to provide a reason.
When you cancel your registration, it takes affect on the date we receive your request. A refund is not applicable when cancelling a vessel registration.
How to cancel your boat or vessel registration
You can cancel your registration online if you are the registered owner of the boat / vessel.
1: Log in to myVicRoads (External link). If you don't have an account sign up now
2: Choose your boat or vessel and complete the form.
When you submit your request online:
- it cannot be reversed, and:
- your registration is immediately cancelled.
You can cancel your registration online if you have a myVicRoads Business account.
1. Log in to your myVicRoads Business account or express interest now
2: Choose your boat or vessel and complete the form
When you submit your request online:
- it cannot be reversed, and:
- your registration is immediately cancelled.
More information
Cancelling your registration in-person
You can cancel your vehicle registration at a VicRoads Customer Service Centre. You will need to bring evidence of your identity.
When you cancel your boat or vessel registration you will not receive a refund for any fees paid.
Cancel someone else’s registration
To cancel someone else’s registration you need their permission.
You will need to:
- Download and complete an Authority to Act as an Agent form
- Visit a VicRoads Customer Service Centre. Make sure you bring the above form and your own ID.
Cancel a vehicle registration
See Cancel your vehicle registration