Transfer number plates

You can transfer the rights to display a number plate to another person or company.

You can transfer the rights to a custom or special interest plate (with the exception of service or Lions Club plates) to another person or company.

You can do this by either:
  • selling your vehicle with the number plates on the vehicle, or
  • signing the plates over to another person or company

There is no plate transfer fee payable except if you've purchased your plates prior to 3 March 2000 and still have an old style contract with VicRoads.

To transfer the registration number rights, complete the transfer of registration number plate rights form [PDF 139 Kb] and submit to us within 14 days of your purchase. 

Please return it by email or in person at your nearest VicRoads Customer Service Centre.

Email: [email protected]  

Visit us

At a VicRoads Customer Service Centre.

Following the transfer, if the purchaser wishes to display the plates on a vehicle registered in their name, they must contact VicRoads to arrange this. 

plate assignment fee will apply if the number plates have been assigned to a vehicle before.

If you purchased your plates prior to 3 March 2000, you will have an old style plates contract with us.

Under this contract, a transfer fee will apply to transfer the rights of these plates to another person, except for transfers to:

  • a vehicle registered in your name
  • your spouse
  • your child
  • your parent or
  • a company which you are a director.

However, if you change to a new style contract, at no cost, the transfer fee will no longer apply. To do either:

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