Fines and Fees

Information about fine amounts, payment and disputes.

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A notice to pay a fine is called an infringement notice. Infringement notices include:

  • traffic infringement notices
  • parking infringement notices
  • Linkt and EastLink toll notices.

Infringement notices can be:

  • mailed to you (normally within 2 weeks)
  • handed to you
  • attached to the windscreen of your vehicle.

You should read the infringement notice carefully when you receive it. If you don't understand the information on the infringement notice or have any questions about it you should contact the organisation or agency that gave you the infringement notice. Contact information will be included on the notice.

If you get an infringement from a road safety camera (speed or red-light camera) you should also make sure you were the person driving at the time of the offence. If you were not the driver you must nominate the person who was driving. Do this as soon as you get the notice. VicRoads cannot change the nominated person on an infringement notice, this is a matter for police or the court.

Notices can be issued by a range of authorised organisations including Victoria Police, local councils and VicRoads.

If you wish to dispute an infringement notice it is a good idea to seek legal advice.

The infringement notice will tell you the due date for the fine. If you wish to pay your traffic infringement or find out more Fines Victoria (External link) has some helpful information.

Fines Victoria

For parking infringements go to the website of the issuing council to find out how to pay or dispute the fine.

Fine amounts

Fines are set and revised by legislation and are described as penalty units within the legislation. For example, offence code 8336, fail to stop at a children’s crossing has an infringement penalty of 2.5 penalty units or $494. 

The value of a penalty unit is currently $197.59

If you want to know the fine amount for any particular offence you can download the fine and penalties documents below and search for the offence. A quick way to search is to right click on the document select find and then type in a key word, for example phone. If you have the offence code you can search for that by using find.

Road Safety penalties [XLSX 2.1 Mb]

Please note these are infringement penalties only. If your case is dealt with at court, the penalties may be more severe.

Visit Department of Treasury and Finance website for links to other fees and penalty lists from other Government departments.

In some cases you can ask for an official warning on some traffic fines. Victoria Police (External link) has information on this.

Linkt and EastLink toll notices

You need to pay tolls or fees if you want to use a Tollway, such as Linkt (External link) or EastLink (External link).

If you drive on a Tollway and haven't paid the tolls you could receive an invoice or an infringement notice. These are usually sent to you in the mail.

All questions and payments for fines should be made with the relevant Tollway operator.

Outstanding fines

If you wish to check for outstanding fines you can check here (External link) as long as you have a notice.

If you are unsure about the details of any outstanding fines you can contact Fines Victoria (External link).

If you don't pay your fines, Fines Victoria may direct VicRoads to apply a suspension to your driver licence, learner permit or vehicle registration(s). For more information see Suspensions and other directions for unpaid fines.

Road Safety Cameras

If you want information on the road safety camera system go to the dedicated VicGov webpage.

Road Safety Camera Commissioner

The Road Safety Camera Commissioner (External link) provides Victorian motorists with ongoing support in regard to the State’s road safety camera system and provides an alternative avenue for complaints and quality assurance.


Victorian Government Departments and agencies charge a range of fees for services and regulatory purposes, including driver licensing and vehicle registration products and services.

Fees are officially set and revised by legislation relevant to their application.

The Victorian Government has a policy of automatically indexing certain fees each year for inflation so that the value of those fees is maintained.

For the financial year 2024-25, the value of a fee unit is $16.33, and the Treasurer’s annual rate is 2.75 per cent.

For the listing of fees see: 2024/2025 schedule of fees [XLSX 51 Kb] 

For information about heavy vehicle and light vehicle registration fees please visit:

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