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Helping disadvantaged young people gain supervised driving experience
From March 31 new road rules will apply
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Na kɔɔr wël juëc cï keek gɔ̈ɔ̈r në thoŋduɔ̈nic.
Yuɔ̈pë namba daan de akut de agamlööŋ në (03) 9280 0783 ka (03) 9605 3050, ku thiëc keek bïkkë yïn gäm agamlöŋ bï yïn bɛ̈n waar thok. Nɛ̈më ke yï nɔŋ kuɔɔny de agamlöŋ Using an interpreter or translator ago wël juëc kɔ̈k ya yök.
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