Victorian rider handbook

The Victorian rider handbook helps you prepare for the motorcycle learner permit knowledge and licence tests.

Victorian rider handbook

The Victorian rider handbook outlines:

  • road law information specifically relating to motorcycle use
  • motorcycle road craft
  • motorcycle safe driving practices.

The handbook provides information in the following sections:

  • Section A - Getting Ready (road law for motorcyclists and licensing requirements)
  • Section B - On the Road (the right gear/bike, being seen, safe control of the bike)
  • Section C - Staying Alive (safe distances, handling difficult surfaces, riding at night, carrying passengers/goods)
  • Section D - Here's Trouble (dealing with emergencies and bike security).

New distracted driver road rules

From 31 March 2023 changes to road rules apply regarding the use of portable, wearable, inbuilt, and mounted devices while driving a vehicle or riding a motorbike. Penalties apply for the use of these devices and for seatbelt related offences that are now detectable by cameras.

The Victorian rider handbook has been updated with these changes. See new road rules 2023 to learn more.

View the handbook online

Victorian rider handbook [PDF 7.49 Mb]

Languages available

The Victorian rider handbook can be purchased and viewed online in English only.

Where you can purchase the handbook

You can purchase a Victorian rider handbook from:


Refer to the Victorian rider handbook fee when purchasing from a VicRoads Customer Service Centre.

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