Hybrid or electric vehicle registration discounts

Find out about the registration discount for hybrid or electric powered passenger cars.

Conclusion of the $100 vehicle registration concession for conventional hybrids

From 1 July 2021, conventional hybrid vehicles will no longer receive the annual $100 registration concession. Registration renewal fees for conventional hybrids will automatically revert to the standard light vehicle registration charge.

Which vehicles will continue to get the discount?

Motor vehicles that emit zero or low emissions by means of electric, hydrogen or plug-in electric-hybrid propulsion systems (or other zero-emissions systems) are classified as ZLEVs. ZLEVs are defined as being low-emissions vehicles that require electrical plug-in to recharge. 

What about other vehicles?

Currently there is no discount available for electric heavy vehicles and electric motorcycles. 

How is the discount applied? 

The $100 discount gets automatically deducted from your registration fee and appears on your registration renewal notice.

The penalty for not clearly displaying a label is a defect notice or fine.

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