Eligible vehicles include the following:
- Veteran vehicles manufactured before 1 January 1919. Includes trailers, heavy vehicles and modified vehicles such as street rods.
- Vintage vehicles manufactured after 31 December 1918 and before 1 January 1931. Includes trailers, heavy vehicles and modified vehicles such as street rods.
- Classic and historic vehicles manufactured after 31 December 1930. Includes trailers, heavy vehicles and modified vehicles such as street rods. This category can also include replica vehicles. A replica is an individually constructed light motor vehicle that closely resembles the appearance and dimensions of the original production vehicle.
All vehicles in this category must be more than 25 years older than the date on your club permit application.
Finding the date of manufacture
If you don’t know your vehicle’s date of manufacture, use one of the methods below:
- Register of Approved Vehicles (RAV) – the RAV build date. If there is no RAV entry, then
- The Australian compliance plate – the date on the plate is its date of manufacture.
- If the vehicle has neither a RAV entry or an Australian compliance plate, then the date of manufacture can be identified from the vehicle build plate.
Vehicle standards
You need to ensure that your vehicle complies with vehicle standards for the date of its manufacture.
If your vehicle is imported and has been issued with a vehicle identification number (VIN), the VIN must be stamped on the vehicle. More information about importing a road vehicle is available on the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts (DITRDCA) website.
If your vehicle has been modified, you’ll also need to ensure it meets the relevant standards. Read the standards for club permit vehicles information on the Transport Victoria website.
Vehicle safety
Use the vehicle safety inspection checklist to check your vehicle is safe to use on the road. The checklist is for guidance only, you’ll still need to complete a vehicle eligibility and standards declaration for club permit vehicles and a certificate of roadworthiness (if required) when you register the vehicle.
Registration rules
You can’t get a club permit for vehicles which:
- are currently registered
- are recorded as a statutory write-off on the Victorian or an interstate written-off vehicles register.
- have a Fines Victoria or hoon sanction
- are recorded as stolen
- aren't safe to use on a road or road-related area
- already have a club permit recorded for it.