Book an appointment for licences and registrations

The fastest way to get a licensing appointment is to book online. You can also check, change or cancel your appointment if you need to.

The earliest appointment times are shown when you book. Our call centre team cannot book you an earlier time.

If you are subject to a Fines Victoria sanction, or have a Fines Victoria sanction pending, you may not be able to proceed with your appointment. Your appointment fees will be forfeited. For more information contact Fines Victoria on 1300 396 851.

If you are driving on an overseas licence you can convert your overseas licence to a Victorian licence.

If you've got a myVicRoads account, you can enrol to take the Learner Permit Test Online or Hazard Perception Test Online.

New distracted driver road rules

From 31 March 2023 changes to road rules apply regarding the use of portable, wearable, inbuilt, and mounted devices while driving a vehicle or riding a motorbike. Penalties apply for the use of these devices and for seatbelt related offences that are now detectable by cameras. You can download a summary of changes here Distracted Driver Road Rules 2023 [PDF 409 Kb] or learn more using the link below.

Online appointments aren't available for the following:

  • heavy vehicle registrations
  • machinery (eg, a forklift, tractor)
  • vessels (eg, boat or personal watercraft)
  • vehicles currently registered in WA, SA, Tas, ACT

Call 13 11 71 or visit a VicRoads Customer Service Centre to book your appointment.

You do not need a registration appointment for:

The earliest appointments are available online

All appointment times are shown online when you book. Our call centre team cannot book you an earlier time.

Need an interpreter?

If you need an interpreter when you take your test, please do not use the online booking system. You'll need to book your appointment at the VicRoads Customer Service Centre you plan to take your test at.

Visit Using an interpreter or translator for more information.

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